
We do everything possible to support your bid for hosting your event in Bordeaux.

The Bordeaux Convention Bureau offers free assistance to anyone—event organizers, scientists, researchers, regional directors, etc.—who wants to bring a national or international event of an association, union, or federation they belong to, to Bordeaux. This includes preparing the bid dossier, providing visual aids, soliciting public institutions, finding venues and service providers, organizing inspection visits, guiding sustainable practices, and legacy programs, among others. A dedicated member of the BCB team will support you throughout the entire bid phase. Once the congress is confirmed in Bordeaux, the person in charge of the Bordeaux Bienvenue initiative will take over to ensure the implementation of the promised Bordeaux Bienvenue benefits.

Submit Bordeaux's Bid

Hotel Charter

In the context of hosting major events, you can be assured of attractive rates offered by accommodation providers, thanks to the Hotel Commitment Charter signed by the Club Hôtelier Bordeaux Métropole (CHBM) and the Bordeaux Métropole Tourism and Convention Office (OTCBM), representing over 100 hotels with a total of 7,500 rooms. This initiative was established to attract large-scale professional events and facilitate their organization in the region. It exclusively covers "rotating" professional events with over 500 room nights on at least one night, involving bookings across multiple hotels, organized by:
- Non-profit organizations
- Private sector companies.

Sustainable Support
Our team makes it easier for you to organize a more responsible and committed event.

Beyond advising on logistical aspects (finding venues and service providers) that meet your event's specifications, our team provides personalized and free support to reduce the environmental impact of the event and offer a local legacy in line with your organization's CSR values.
Specifically, during the briefing, we identify with you the most suitable levers and solutions in the region to make your event more sustainable and committed!


Project TINA (Innovative Tourism in Nouvelle-Aquitaine)

The environmental, economic, and scientific impacts of three congresses are currently being calculated. The BCB will then have an impact calculation methodology to offer organizers anticipated solutions.