© adera

Adera Congrès

Since 20 years now, Adera Congrès supports academics and industrials in the organisation of scientific events gathering between 100 and 1500 participants in France and abroad.

The project team provides expertise in all or part of the organisation of your event : Financial management, logistical aspects, communication and promotion, online registrations, social programmes, exhibition and sponsorship management ... Focus on the scientific content and we take care of everything else.


Ceren Duffour, Responsable Pôle Evenementiel +33 5 56 15 80 03 [email protected]

Adera Congrès
11 avenue de Canteranne
33608 PESSAC

Ceren Duffour
Responsable Pôle Evenementiel

Practical information

  • French, English, Spanish