Barometer of business tourism: 2022 review
Discover the 2022 Business Tourism Observatory !
Every six months, we publish the results of business event activity through indicators of participation, audience, sector of activity and frequency. Some thirty sites respond to this barometer: convention and exhibition centers, event venues, hotels and universities.
2022: the return of professional events in Bordeaux
The results of Bordeaux’s Business Tourism Observatory for 2022 illustrate the progress of the post-Covid rebound, with figures improving on 2021 but not yet back to 2019 levels.
A modest rebound:
The total number of events, conference days (number of participants x number of days) and their economic impact all remain below the levels last seen in 2019, but have all improved since 2021. This upward trajectory is representative of the gradual return of business tourism in the wake of the pandemic.
Increased international appeal:
Although total participant numbers are still below pre-crisis levels, we have seen an increase in the proportion of international events. This is partly due to events postponed during the pandemic years, as well as the gradual return of professional travel.
Reliable data gathering:
These results are based on a rigorous data-gathering exercise involving 23 members of the Business Tourism Observatory, ensuring the reliability of our analyses and the representativeness of the trends identified.
All in all, the figures for 2022 are testament to the encouraging recovery of the professional events sector in Bordeaux, confirming the city’s resilience as a destination. The tireless efforts made to diversify our sectoral reach and enhance our international attractiveness have laid the groundwork for a bright future for business tourism in the region.