Barometer of business tourism: 2021 review
Discover the 2021 Business Tourism Observatory report !
Every six months, we publish the results of business event activity through indicators of participation, audience, sector of activity and frequency. Some thirty sites respond to this barometer: convention and exhibition centers, event venues, hotels and universities.
2021 round-up: professional events gradually returning to Bordeaux
The year 2021 was a crucial turning point for business tourism in Bordeaux, with event-related activity gradually bouncing back in the latter half of the year. Although the figures remain well below the levels recorded in the benchmark year of 2019, they represent a clear improvement on 2020 in spite of lingering restrictions. The sector was able to work at full capacity for 6 out of 12 months in 2021.
A modest but encouraging rebound:
The figures for number of events, conference days and economic impact all remain below their 2019 levels, but the improvement compared with 2020 is testament to the resilience of the sector in the face of persistent challenges.
Participation still down:
The pandemic has understandably had an impact on participant numbers, with figures still well below their usual levels. Nonetheless, the rebound observed in the second half of the year suggests that there is reason to be optimistic for the coming years.
Rigorous data-gathering:
These results are based on a rigorous data-gathering exercise involving 19 members of the Business Tourism Observatory, providing an accurate and representative vision of the evolution of the sector.
In conclusion, although 2021 was a year of many challenges, the rebound observed in the business tourism sector in Bordeaux is very promising. The diversity of sectors represented and the resilience of the sector as a whole are signs that we have solid foundations on which to grow in the future. Next year promises to be packed with opportunities to cement Bordeaux’s reputation as an attractive destination for professional events.