Amexpo Sud Ouest launches its indoor petanque offer!
AMexpo Sud-Ouest now offers an innovative rental opportunity: Le Boulodr'home, an indoor petanque experience launched on March 13 and 14 during the So Evénements show.
Certified ISO 20121 since 2022, AMexpo Sud-Ouest has taken up the challenge of offering a local eco-designed offer.
The Boulodr'home offers an immersive atmosphere and a customizable area for all types of events: fairs, seminars, team building, corporate evenings, festivals, and more. With turnkey or fully customized offers, including field rentals, dedicated events, tournaments, accessories and furniture, as well as transportation, installation and disassembly services.
Indoors, Le Boulodr'home promises a unique experience, adapted to your needs and the colors of your business. Contact us now for a briefing and a personalized quote!